Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cat weightlifting, the sport of the future and Japanese television have once again polluted my mind with something that I will never be able to erase; cat weightlifting. What more does the average Japanese television viewer want than to see a cats lifting fish of different weights in a competitive format? I know that if I was channel surfing through the tube at 3am, that would definitely catch my eye (or cat my eye). That brown and white tabby definitely has some spunk, but I always wonder it can do against the all white manx! Cat weightlifting will no doubt take the main stage in the future with the dramatic close-ups and instant replays. If you would like to indulge in some dramatic cat weightlifting, you can see it here.

By the way while I have ruined my life, for the better, I have been drinking a cup of Oriental Treasure Green Tea. Exotic!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Gay" sports fever (American Ignorance Part 1)

As many of you know, IT'S WORLD CUP TIME! If any of you have been paying attention to the US team, then you have obviously heard about their advancement out of group play to the round of 16 with a goal against Algeria in the 91st minute. Definitely a good ending to a game that started off a little weak by the US. And you have been paying attention to the early rounds of Wimbledon then you have heard of the game between American John Isner and German Nicolas Mahut that went to more than 100 games in the fifth set before being postponed for completion the next day. Both of these events have captivated American audiences and brought much-needed attention to both of these sports that are usually pushed aside for other sports such as baseball and sports considered more "American". I played soccer through the majority of my youth life and have been an avid Seattle Sounder's supported since before they even became an MLS team. My parents also brought me up watching Wimbledon every year watching the rise of Rodger Federer and Rafael Nadal and the retirement of Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi.

It's about time these sports got the attention they deserve from American audiences! There's a reason why they call soccer (or football) the worlds game. It's time to jump on the soccer bandwagon America and start promoting and supporting this sport like it deserves. Why is it that the highest payed player on the Sounder's gets payed 1/200th the amount that Jason Giambi (in my opinion, a far less talented athlete) gets payed? Baseball is the only sport where it's acceptable to be fat. Even golfers are in better shape than most baseball players. Another reason supporting the idea of America being satisfied with mediocrity.

The Wimbledon match on the other hand is a true exhibition of endurance, skill, and physical and mental strength that I have never seen matched by any sport! The first day of the match went on for 10 hours and it's not even over! I can't even comprehend the amount of mental concentration that it would require to stay competitive in a match like that, let alone how much endurance it would require.

So my point is, if you aren't watching the world cup and supporting our national team or at least paying attention to Wimbledon and supporting Andy Roddick, you should be asking yourself "why not"? It's not like you're watching American football now and do you really want to watch baseball?

By the way, I'm drinking a cup of Earl Grey this morning while watching the Italy vs. Slovakia game (3-2 Slovakia). Go USA!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Graduating to a meaningless existence

I had the great privilege of attending my sister's high school graduation this past week and I took two things away from this experience that I will use to either make my life better, or rule the world with a tyrannical fist.

Number 1: It seems like at high school graduations, the parents get way way way way to excited seeing their prized possession (their child) receive a piece of paper indicating some level of academic accomplishment. If you don't graduate from high school, you are a dumb person and I'm under the impression that you don't really deserve to get anything out of life. High school is a low part of life that should not be raised above the level of a developmental stage in life with the sole purpose being to aspire to greater and more prestigious callings. Whether it be serving your country in the armed forces, continuing your education, or whatever, it really doesn't matter, you will definitely be moving on to something bigger and more important. Why are we making such a big deal in society about completing mediocrity?

As you may have realized, I completely deserted my high school years and hope to never revisit them under any circumstances. This is solely because I have now moved on to bigger and better things. I plan on graduating from college and moving on to something new and hopefully bigger and better, which is the same for just about every task I undertake. It's all of these things that I can compile to create the "real" Jory Tindall. After I complete another task I move on to the next thing that I can add to my list of things that make me who I am. So much time shouldn't be spent dwelling on certain tasks, especially a task as mediocre as progressing through your high school years. However, a counter-argument could be brought up that most people are just happy to be done with their high school years which is the reason why they are so overjoyed at the not-so-concise end of their respective high school existences, which is an incredibly valid point. To me it's more like "yes, I graduated from -insert generic high school name here- but I've moved on academically, socially, and emotionally, and no longer associate myself with many of the crowning factors of my high school and my high school experience. I know this sounds harsh, but the person I was during my years as a -insert generic mascot here- are behind me. Yes, they helped to mold me into the person I am today, but in terms of maturation and growth of character, the present is the most important time, and always will be if I continue to make progress in my profession and as an individual.

Number 2: Some people should not breed. That is all.

Oh and by the way I'm drinking some French Vanilla Tea and am almost down to the bottom of the mug. Might have to have another cup of this tonight.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hello all!

To all of my loyal readers (or unloyal readers)! Hello! This blog is sort of compendium of my ideas and thoughts which none of you probably care about, but it's ok. I feel like I need somewhere to vent my ideas and relate whats going on in my life to ideas and thoughts of my own and of others. Hope to see you frequently!