Thursday, March 17, 2011

Every now and then...

Every now and then I experience something that completely uplifts me and shows me the beauty of the world and of the people that inhabit it.  There are many things in this life that I cannot hope to control or influence in any way, and over the past year I've realized that.  I've realized that I just need to go with the flow and make the best of whatever situation life puts me.  I don't believe in God (because why would I want to believe in something that supposedly governs and influences the actions of humanity when recent events have really screwed with the human race?) so I have been forced to find other motivators for such experiences.  Loneliness has taken over my emotions for the past week so what I've realized is that music is the universal language.  It is the language of every race and nationality that can be used to make unlikely connections and initiate strange acquaintances.  It is beauty like today that makes life worth living, and it's all influence by music.  Put down the weapons of war and pick up the weapons of song.  If only WWII had been a Battle of the Bands.  Music cures the soul of the weary and enlightens the heart of the dreary.  Give in to music and let go into an effortless plane of love, friendship and brotherhood.  Find beauty in the smallest things but don't forget the importance of the big things.

I'm realizing this as I listen to Sigur Ros and drinking Yunnan black tea.

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