Sunday, August 8, 2010

Summary of DC Vacation

So, I have now returned from my vacation in our nations capitol, Washington DC, and it was quite a fantastic trip!  There was a lot of really great stuff to see and the city of Washington is a pretty cool place and a great setting for the National Mall and everything associated with the federal government.  We didn't really have to drive anywhere because the metro system is so great, which was really nice because it would have been hell to park anywhere.  The only problem is that my family and I were in DC for a week and half and I still didn't get to see everything (there is soooooo much to see!).  I spent a lot of time in the different Smithsonians and checking out all of the national monuments and war memorials and touring different federal buildings, and we even got a chance to go out to the Atlantic Ocean!  So here is a summary of everything I got to see:

National Mall:

  • Lincoln Memorial/Reflecting Pool
  • Washington Monument
  • Capitol Building
  • White House (from the outside)
  • Korean War Memorial
  • WWII Memorial
  • WWI Memorial
  • Jefferson Memorial (from afar)
  • Vietnam Memorial
Smithsonian Institute:

  • Museum of Natural History
  • Air and Space Museum
  • National Museum of Art
  • Hircshorn Contempory Art Museum and Sculpture Garden
  • Museum of American History
  • Smithsonian Castle
  • National Portrait Gallery
  • National Zoo

  • International Spy Museum
  • Mt. Vernon (George Washington's House)
  • Annapolis Naval Academy
  • Rehoboth Beach (on the Atlantic)
  • Gettysburg
  • Supreme Court
  • Library of Congress
I think that's just about everything.  Great trip!  But I'm definitely museumed out for a while.

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